Server Information
Server Name UORealms - A Gaming Community
Game Ultima Online
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Join Date 2024-08-06 21:42:18

UORealms - A Gaming Community

Ultima Online Logo
Two+ custom Ultima Online servers, VRising, 45+ classic games, and game nights! UORealms has something for everyone.

Full Description

Dive into the rich experiences of our Ultima Online servers:

Faerham Citadel: A production grade Ultima server with re-imagined and refreshed content. Explore a familiar landscape while encountering new surprises throughout your journey on a server deeply connected to dynamic and live hosted events.

Paths of Virtue: Emphasizes immersion and role-playing, thoughtfully capturing the lore and atmosphere of the original Ultima single-player games, especially Ultimas IV and V. Designed to provide a player-driven, open, and persistent Ultima experience, it incorporates many features from the original series.

Utilizing a pre-AoS ruleset, the shard also boasts a class system inspired by the classic single-player Ultimas. Furthermore, the map is a customized version of the original Ultima Online map and includes a recreation of the Underworld from Ultima V.

But UORealms is more than just Ultima Online! Join our Use Your Words Game Nights, explore classic BBS games, or dive into epic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns on Discord. There's something for every gamer here. Join UORealms today and be part of our community!

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