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Server Information
Server Name OdinRO
Game Ragnarok Online
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Status Disabled
Votes since join 0
Join Date 2023-06-05 16:02:18


Ragnarok Online Logo
Welcome to OdinRO we are a Renewal 2x2x1x server just released, we have some costume settings and more to come -Color palettes -!Commands -Costume for tokens -Shop EQ without payment (in progress) -Weekend Events -etc 3 class available

Full Description

Welcome to OdinRO, your Ragnarok community for people who are looking for the original and challenging feeling, little frills and with the reward of their own success.

Rate: 2x2x1x
Server: europe
episode: 18
Classes: 3 -/ Transcendent

Events: Season Events, Holiday Events, Weekend Events, Open Events.

Costume: Some Costume commands, Hat Quest (incoming) Costume Tokens (incoming) Helpfull player Tokens

Jumpstart: Aid kit every 10 levels, start money, Light red potion Box 2.

Free items?: only in Events

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