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Server Name Himars Ragnarok Online
Game Ragnarok Online
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Himars Ragnarok Online

Episode: 13.2 Mechanics: Pre-Renewal [no 3 profs] Max level: 254[255]/120 - Normal leveling up to level 254 - Difficult leveling from level 254 to 255 - Level 255 bonus - Many items are only equippable at level 255 Base 500x Job 500x Drop 80xR

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REALESE DATE SOON MAIN INFORMATION Episode: 13.2 Mechanics: Pre-Renewal [no 3 profs] Max level: 254[255]/120 - Normal leveling up to level 254 - Difficult leveling from level 254 to 255 - Level 255 bonus - Many items are only equippable at level 255 Base 500x Job 500x Drop 80x Cards: 100x [1.00] MVP and Miniboss cards: 10x [0.1] Quests/MVPexperience: 50x/1x Feeding pets and homunculi: 10x Max stats: 300 Maximum ASPD: 190 Instant Cast: 150 dex Party experience bonus: 20 per player Max spread for a share in a group: 50 levels Antifreeze/Antistan: 400 luk/300 vit LGP - analogue of RCX built into the game client Hair and color by Kami- Gepard Shield 3.0 Auto-replenish items[Restock System] Colored nickname, custom auras and costumes MvP Gravestone System: Enabled Vending for major currencies Autobuy ab Ability to buy stat/skill points Farm zones Blood Branch Quest Chant and option system for items Guild Locations Premium account Extended and detailed WoE statistics Calendar system Daily bonuses

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