Server Information
Server Name Whitemane
Game WoW Private Servers
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Join Date 2024-11-21 10:59:37


WoW Private Servers Logo
Whitemane is a WotLK 3.3.5a private server, offering an authentic Wrath of the Lich King experience with a strong focus on balanced PvP, challenging raids, and a tight-knit community. Ideal for players looking to relive the peak of WoW's expansion era.

Full Description

Whitemane stands as a testament to the power of community-driven projects, with its heart firmly rooted in the most cherished and revered expansions of World of Warcraft. Our commitment isn’t merely to uphold the legacy of these expansions, but to push boundaries by developing innovative features that are directly inspired by the feedback and wishes of our dedicated community. With a rich history spanning over a decade of rigorous development, our expertise has been sharpened with time. Boasting a thriving community of over 300,000 players globally, Whitemane proudly represents one of the most formidable presences in the World of Warcraft private server arena. Our journey, fueled by passion and dedication, reflects our unwavering commitment to both the game and its enthusiastic community.

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