Rank Name Server Banner

New Chance Ultima Online

New Chance est un serveur Ultima Online francophone qui se veut RP et de bonne entente. Le role play est la principale raison de ce shard, tout en profitant pleinement de tout ce que l’on peut faire en jeu, seul ou à plusieurs. N’hésitez pas à venir sur l

UORealms - A Gaming Community Ultima Online

UORealms - A Gaming Community Server Logo Two+ custom Ultima Online servers, VRising, 45+ classic games, and game nights! UORealms has something for everyone.
UORealms - A Gaming Community Server Logo

UO Dreams World (Odessa) Ultima Online

UO Dreams World (Odessa) Server Logo - Squires - Custom mobs - Pet breeding - Pet leveling - Item leveling - No skill limit - Custom dungeons - Custom currencies - Full-featured training area - Fully active development staff - Choose 10 skills of 100 each at the start
UO Dreams World (Odessa) Server Logo

OLDP - Active PvP Server - 150 Online! Ultima Online

Feel the true Classic Ultima Online experience. We invite you to our newest server Gifts and experience boosts for new players.

UO Evolution - [DEDICATED SERVER]! Ultima Online

UO Evolution - [DEDICATED SERVER]! Server Logo UO Evolution [ML/SE/SA/UW]USA shard with the most custom content anywhere No skill caps, 350 Stat Cap, Fast gains, New Champs, Hundreds of custom monsters/Items, 150+Quests, Custom crafting, New Spell system, Townhouses, Animal Breeding
UO Evolution - [DEDICATED SERVER]! Server Logo

UO Evolution - [DEDICATED SERVER]! Ultima Online

UO Evolution - [DEDICATED SERVER]! Server Logo UO Evolution [ML/SE/SA/UW]USA shard with the most custom content anywhere No skill caps, 350 Stat Cap, Fast gains, New Champs, Hundreds of custom monsters/Items, 150+Quests, Custom crafting, New Spell system, Townhouses, Animal Breeding
UO Evolution - [DEDICATED SERVER]! Server Logo

Distant Land Ultima Online

Distant Land is a living Breathing world, With new map new monsters new art work, new type of game play. So come join a magical world that has fun and adventure in every corner, come check out Distant Land Today.

UO Eventine! Ultima Online

PVM server PVP only in designated areas. 300 Max Stats start up to 350 base obtainable. No Skill Cap. 2 Houses can purchase more.Custom Quests, Custom Areas. Custom Artifacts. New systems. Lots of fun. Dedicated staff, friendly community. Made for mu

UOGamers: Hybrid! Ultima Online

UOGamers: Hybrid is the standard for Ultima Online free shards. With an average playerbase online of 1000 users we are the largest free shard out there. We are backed by The RunUO Team

Singularity - UO Free Shard! Ultima Online

Our server philosophy is very simple: we want to create a version of Ultima with extremely diverse play styles and we want people to play the game rather than fight the game. Weve added hundreds of features to ensure our players dont feel confined or

White Tiger! Ultima Online

White Tiger is a new growing Server.Ip Address:whitetigersrus Port:2593Start with 100 in each StatUnlimited skill cap.Two houses per account and two accounts per ip addressMonthly Mobs, Tamables and Deco Mobs alsoThere is PVM and PVP in FEL.

Wolvesbane! Ultima Online

Why Wolvesbane A fresh feel to a classic game. No skill caps and 1k stat cap. Evo weapons and pets [Mercs] New players get the choice of 3 skills 120, 7 skills 100 or all skills 45 to start the game. We offer custom ore/wood/hide/tames/boss. New pl

Legends of Sosaria! Ultima Online

Running on a dedicated server, Theres not enough room to list what we have to offer. Why not visit our site and see Download the Custom Patch amp Play Software and play for free.

UO Darwinism! Ultima Online

UO Darwinism [TOL][] US Central Based Shard with piping fast internet No skill caps, 450 Stat Cap, Fast gains, Custom Cities, Custom Dungeons, Custom Items, Custom Quests, Custom crafting, Druid/Cleric Spells, Animal Breeding, Bioengineering,

Dark Forest! Ultima Online

This is a custom shard with a little something for everyone. PVP amp PVM/PVE as well a custom crafting system made from scratch coming soon. 2 accts/IP, 3 houses per acct, all houses are ageless. 450 stat cap, 250 individual cap.

Legnes - Ultima Online free shard Ultima Online

Free server for the game Ultima Online Renaissance. A friendly community and a great system for beginners. Legnes is an Orion client-based client with its assistant. Fair play without cheaters and macro players.

UO Calamity Ultima Online

[3 accounts][800 skillscap][225 statcap][1 house per account][10 unique evolution pets][Monster contracts][Unique PvM][New Dungeons][Player Cities][Unique Crafting system][New resources]

UO Raven Moon! Ultima Online

New dungeons, lots of tamables and boss mobs for them to fight. Breeding is available also. We have friendly players and active, available staff always ready to help. No skill cap, stat cap 325. New stuff added all the time.

Outbreak UO Shard! Ultima Online

450 Stat cap, No skill cap, 6/8 FC-FCR, Custom Quests,Craftables, Systems, Tameables, Bosses, Dungeons and Items.Town Houses, Earrings and Necklaces on loot, Spellcrafting, Training Room with quick gains, Token and Gold Room,Start with 10x100 skills,

UO Traditions - Where Tradition Lives On! Ultima Online

Tired of Same Old - Neon - Odd Deco - Want a fresh start - Look no further No donations Sell nothing for money Many Custom areas Interesting challenges Invasions and 100s quests Player input valued [325 Stat Cap 1200 Skill Cap 6 characters and 3 hous

Ultima Reforged! Ultima Online

Ultima Reforged! Server Logo Tired of outdated UO Servers from 1997 Sure, T2A and Ren are great, but how about all the current content on the retail servers Daily Town invasions. Helpful and friendly and active staff. 1200 skill, 300 statJoin us on Reforged Port 259
Ultima Reforged! Server Logo