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Server Name Decay Dekaron The New Reborn
Game Dekaron
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Join Date 2022-11-02 17:33:21

Decay Dekaron The New Reborn

Dekaron Logo
[Brand New][Mixed Actions w/ 12 classes][PVP/FARM Based][Epic High Protection][Custom System][Custom rates][Custom Gameplay][Starting lvl 200] [Max lvl 230][DKSQ][Discrod][PP System][Skin System][Mass PVP][Opening: First Week of November]

Full Description

Decay Dekaron has been borned in new form with mass pvp. Custom gameplay, with custom features are guarantee the good experiences in our server. There are many features to talk about, so just join us and lets check all of them. The server is made with love, and everybody is welcomed in our family. Mostly farm and Mass PVP based server withdiscord. The protection is made by big services just like Kaspersky or Cloudflare. Brand new fresh server, which is coming from the beginning of November in 2022. Everything is farmable and reachable, but you are able to support us. The server hosted from USA,New Jersey on 10GB/s ports. Be the best on Decay Dekaron Join us now

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